How do you keep track of things? For me, I’m a habitual list maker. I make lists as a way to be more productive and hold myself accountable. I’m also a huge fan of David Allen’s Getting Things Done. The first pillar of the GTD methodology is to capture everything. Get it off your mind and out of your mental workspace. This process is sometimes referred to as a brain dump, and is a highly effective way to clear your mind and regain control when things seem overwhelming.
“Your mind is for having ideas, not holding them.” – David Allen
Another tried and true technique of David Allen’s is the two-minute rule. It states that if you have an action that can be done in two minutes or less, you should just do it now. Organizing or listing those tasks would take more time than the task itself.
Many folks find that a simple pen and notepad is all they need to start capturing what’s grabbing their attention. Being in the field of technology I have tried numerous different apps and tools to aid in this process. I was a paid user of GQueues for a few years, but have recently adopted a new tool of choice – Google Keep.
I have only used Google Keep for a couple months, but it seems to have the perfect balance of elegance and simplicity. Best of all, it’s free! Being able to share notes with my spouse or colleagues is a huge bonus. The mobile apps work great and for iOS devices there is a handy lock screen widget. The mobile app also allows you to record audio notes, which it then automatically transcribes to text. This is extremely useful for me since I spend a lot of time in the vehicle, which is also when my mind is generating a lot of things to keep!
If you haven’t had a chance to check out Google Keep, give it a try. It might end up being your new favorite app!
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